TSE-TAREKS-CE Compliance Audits Consultancy
To protect consumers and producers during imports and exports, the compliance of relevant products with safety, quality, and standards is inspected on a risk-based basis. In this context, national and international horizontal and vertical regulations, regime decisions, directives, and circulars have been published for each product group and are regularly updated. At AGM, to prevent high-risk processes such as return-to-origin, we conduct mutual analyses regarding product compliance inspections with our business partners prior to customs procedures, particularly from the supply stages onward.
For our business partner's relevant product, AGM:
- Determines the applicable New Approach Directive(s).
- Identifies relevant international standards (particularly EN standards), if applicable.
- Verifies the validity and updates of relevant standards.
- Takes action regarding any deficiencies in the Declaration of Conformity for the product.
- Ensures that the packaging of the product is properly labeled with the CE mark during the procurement stage.
- Prepares the product's technical file and reports other documents and reports required by TSE's standards, communiqués, and guidelines.

These technical regulations, standards, compliance evaluations, and inspections can lead to various negative outcomes and effects, such as loss of time, production disruptions, application as non-tariff technical barriers, and export losses. In this regard, we aim to lead efforts to eliminate the negative impacts of these practices, which are conducted under product safety and inspection communiqués within the country’s foreign trade, especially on the foreign trade activities of exporters. Our goal is to simplify the customs procedures for products classified as exporter inputs or investment goods and to remove bureaucratic practices that cause inefficiency.