The Easy Way with Pre-Arrival Customs Clearance

As known, with the publication of the Customs General Communiqué in the Official Gazette dated 23.01.2019 and numbered 30664, pre-arrival customs clearance procedures started in maritime container transportation as of 23.04.2019. Subsequently, in 2021, it was decided to apply pre-arrival customs clearance procedures to air transportation as well.

With this practice, the customs declaration process is moved forward, eliminating delays caused by customs authorities, speeding up customs procedures, preventing time losses arising from foreign trade processes in the importation of raw materials and intermediate goods by our exporters, and reducing potential additional costs (loading, storage, terminal, demurrage charges, etc.).

In other words, within the scope of pre-arrival customs clearance procedures for imports, the customs declaration can be submitted before the goods arrive in the Turkish Customs Territory, inspection processes are facilitated, and with the approval of the arrival notification, direct release of the goods through a method similar to transshipment is allowed. 

We, with our expert teams, submit summary declarations and customs declarations within the scope of our partners’ operations, contributing to the acceleration of business processes and cost savings.